
Choosing Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Over The Walt Disney Company

The following guide will provide you information about why you should choose Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Over The Walt Disney company. Although; Fairies Dreams & Fantasy can be a great alternative to the Walt Disney Company because, we produce our work… the different way.

You Always Read… No Animations Or Shows To Watch

Fairies Dreams & Fantasy prefers people to read our text-based content that is sometimes updated. For this instance; updated posts for revising our older content with extended storylines as a way to lengthen our work for further reading experience. Having someone reading our posts like a book is key to have some use their imagination like usual. And unlike making TV shows, Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Invests on writing very long content. There are no animations to watch, and there’s no TV shows to watch on our website. Our primary website always have fun content to read like usual.

More reading means more readers who read our posts.

There are no remakes to our work, and there’s no other people who write content for you. Only us write our content via our inhouse studio.

Always Inhouse

We create our own work inhouse, and this is our fun way to entertain our visitors by posting content on a special basis, or regular basis. However; we often have schedules updating behind the scenes!

As you read our creative work; we write our work ourselves; no AI; no software trickery! We use the power of our brains to write content like an author who writes a book. Also, each of our creators rely on brain power to be as creative as possible. Unlike AI; we craft our works with time and pride.

Always Have Reusable Media Available For Anyone

Fairies Dreams & Fantasy is designed to have reusable media types. We currently have these media types of any kind. That can range from ebooks to our reusable fictional characters, and don’t forget our reusable products what we sometimes develop.

We heavily rely on Creative Commons licenses for our works, our characters, and fictional places what we create from scratch. Being creative is like creating something new. However; keeping our work online is key for other readers to read our original content that will NEVER go to waste.

As always; we care about our audience; and we care about our work what we make; we implement value of our work done. Think about having a large library of books to read.

Media Type Fairies Dreams & Fantasy The Walt Disney Company
Ebooks (DRM-Free) Yes No
Fictional Characters (Creative Commons Licensed) Yes No

Always Free By 75%

Fairies Dreams & Fantasy always use 75%-free initiative as a way to reduce the burden of using memberships for monetizing our content. Each of our platform or service uses this format.

Providing free content to consume is key to enable people who have low income to consume our content without needing to pay a dime.

All ebooks are distributed to public libraries (when requested), tired of ebook stores that causes you to be stuck with a license to view/download our reusable content? No problem; Fairies Dreams & Fantasy always relies on distribution to public libraries, but you must request a librarian to purchase our ebooks in order to read our ebooks. Be aware; apps like Overdrive, and other reading apps still use measures to protect content against theft of intellectual property.

It’s optional to have an ad-free experienced via a paid account, and you don’t need to stay remain subscribed, you can always cancel anytime. However; all membership-based accounts are prepaid, making it easier for users to resubscribe anytime.

Always Screen-Reader Supported

Fairies Dreams & Fantasy use various efforts to enable other blind computer users to consume our content.

Comparing When Making A Transition To Fairies Dreams & Fantasy

As you migrate to Fairies Dreams & Fantasy… from Disney, you can make a difference with your wallet. If you think price gouging is a problem, you are right! Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Will NEVER gouge prices under any circumstances.

Use this table to help you get started with transitioning from Disney to Fairies Dreams & Fantasy:

Fairies Dreams & Fantasy The Wald Disney Company
Affordability Y N
Characters That Are NOT sexualized by 99.9% at a time? Y N
Content To Read By 99.9% Y N
Has Monopolies N Y (monopolies may be linked to antitrust law violations)
Trademarks Fictional Characters? N Y
Uses DRM? N Y

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Like To Switch To Fairies Dreams & Fantasy?

Switching from the Walt Disney Company to Fairies Dreams & Fantasy is like replacing all Disney movies and books with alternatives to Disney what you may encounter today. When switching; you may expect something different, like lower prices, and affordabibility. Unlike Disney, you save more and get more content to read when possible.

You read more on your computer, phone or tablet,–or even a TV, if you connected your TV to a computer.

Characters are refined to be friendlier for the general audience, or parental guidence (no sexual content included).

There are no requirements to create an account to consume premium content that is free to view, but you can only pay for ad-free experience,–when you use an ad-blocking extension.

Always revising, we revise our work to add more depth to our content what you are reading.

We choose audience by 60%, profet by 40%; we’re NOT profeterring like most creators; we rely on audience who want to read to make reading more fun.

Always developing behind the scenes, we develop via a timed sequence when possible. For this instance, writing new books, or developing new gamebooks that are free to play.

It’s Black-owned, say good-bye to White-owned companies who has racism embedded for many years.

Diversified topics, diversity is key for Fairies Dreams & Fantasy to have a group of readers with/without accounts.

This is a platform what you may admire overtime, always experimenting and taking risks over running into obstacles.

Has its own ad server, this ad server is dedicated to serve “privacy first” ads without trackers, and these ads are posted by advertisers who want to directly advertise on our server as a way to skip large ad networks who dictate where they’re ads go.

Creative Commons licensed works, our works like our characters and our content to read is always licensed under a Creative Commons license by 88.8% at a time; that means; more reusable content to consume!

Catered to poor communities who want to read content without needing to spend a dime. Stop wasting money on supporting the Walt Disney Company! Fairies Dreams & Fantasy is always free, and it will stay free as a way to help keep costs for the poor down.

How Do I Get Started With Fairies Dreams & Fantasy?

Just visit our website, and read, whitelist our ads with your ad-blocking extension, and enjoy! No account required. Alternatively, you can find a link to support our work with your financial support.

As you read, your imagination does all of the work. You can always experience content that is updated, and revised as a way to lengthen our stories what we write on our website.

No more messing around with content by Disney, and no more hassles with DRM-enabled media or DRM-enabled content.

No more burden of using credit cards! Always free to read.

It’s always privacy first! Just clear your cookies and you can come back later. You can also use your browser via a private tab,–if you are protecting your privacy with a BROAD method.

Does Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Has A Channel For Viewing Media That Is DRM-Free?

Yes, all of our video-based content is DRM-Free! That means; we always keep our media open for viewers to consume.

Our self-hosted channel is under heavy development, please be patient as we develop features for years to come.

I Liked Your Website, How Do I Spread The Word?

Just share the URL of our website, and share content what you are reading.

The more people share our content; the more exposure we get for our website, but don’t overdo it. Think twice,–before you post.

Why Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Is Taking Too Long To Publish New Content?

This is normal for our site to publish content for the future, or update content behind the scenes, please be patient, we have to do other things, we are trying our best to invest enough time on our work what we write on a regular basis.

Sometimes, we have to do other projects that are essential for our operations of our platform, like writing books.

Why Is Your Content Using Light On Dark As A Color Scheme?

This is our strategic setup for displaying our content, we must use this effort as a way to help OLED screens save more energy, and help reduce CO2 levels on our planet, and reduce lit backgrounds. However; our color scheme will never change for printed media.

Why Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Has Long Posts?

Long posts are key to help readers stick to our website, the longer the post, the more readers stick to our website. We always find ways for our readers to be entertained.

For the best results; switch off your screensaver when reading our content, screensavers can stall your reading session, alternatively; you can print our posts to read offline, that works the best when you consume our long posts.

Why Parts Of Your Website Is Written Like A Book?

That’s how parts of this website is setup, by reading each chapter of our website, it’s like reading a book!

This website is designed this way to enable readers to read our work via categories,–kind of like a library of books to read online.

Each set of posts are sorted as a way to reduce clutter, and keep content relevant. That also apply to a premium version of our website.

Can I Use Fairies Dreams & Fantasy If I Am A Creator For the Walt Disney Company?

It’s strongly recommended NOT to use Fairies Dreams & Fantasy when you are a creator who works with Disney! Never use Fairies Dreams & Fantasy is you are a creator who supports the Walt Disney Company because, we don’t allow any media companies to run creator monopolies, this is considered corporate greed, and we discourage this practice.

If you work for Disney; there’s nothing for you to see here, please fly away, and go elsewhere!

I Resigned From Disney, Can I Still Transition To Fairies Dreams & Fantasy?

Yes, you are free to transition to Fairies Dreams & Fantasy! If you’ve defected from Disney, and you are migrating to be a new creator/user of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy, you are making a right choice!

Together; we can be creative like usual.

Is Fairies Dreams & Fantasy A Christian, Catholic, Or Any Other Form Of Christian Group Via Church Or Other Means?

Fairies Dreams & Fantasy is NOT Christian via any means, otherwise; it wouldn’t be Fairies Dreams & Fantasy. There’s no belief of Jesus intended within our studios or establishments.


Why These Posts Are So Long?

This is how we write our content as a way to keep our readers entertained. However; we use this strategy to enable people to read longer content. Although; reading books is good for you, and unlike TV or films, writing text-based content is our way to provide content. Text is king for our website. The greater text on our posts, the better.


Can I Print To Read Content Offline?

If you were wanting to take a break from reading content on your screen, you can print our posts to read offline. This is useful if you want to do oldschool reading of our content.

As long as you abide to a Creative Commons License applied to our work, you may share a printed content what you printed from your printer.


Why Is My Feed What I’ve Subscribed To Has Moved?

That applies to Fairies Dreams & Fantasy(main site), Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Premium, and The Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Store. If you were currently subscribing to our feeds when reading our work, or if your feed reader discovers our feed doesn’t exist, most likely you have an outdated feed.


What Happened To “Fairies Dreams & Fantasy (Main Story)”… What I Was Reading For A Long Time?

It’s renamed to a new title of our series as a way to evolve. We are retitling our works as a way to prep for evolution of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy.

If you were following this RSS feed for a long time; you may need to remove it from your feed reader. Don’t worry, we have upcoming content to read. Well, our work will be revised as a way to help reduce the burden of developing remakes. Although; our posts are still the same, but our categories has been renamed.

Not Yet Categorized

Using A Firefox Browser To Access Fairies Dreams & Fantasy

Don’t use Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Safari browsers? No problem! You can use Firefox to access Fairies Dreams & Fantasy. We are proud if you use this open-source browser to view our content online.

Using a Firefox browser has tracking blocked out of the box, and that also block deceptive ads from tracking you. And you can still enjoy Fairies Dreams & Fantasy, and check out new content,–if new content is published,–after our successful cleanup.

Important Safeguards

Watch Out For Copyfraudsters!

Copyfraud is a fraudulent copyright scheme that is caused by many copyfraudsters who were involved in fraudulently claiming copyright on anyone’s work. For example; you wrote your own movie, and you’ve published it as open-source… so the general public can reuse it,–if they wish. You’ve made some money with your creative movie with other creators who were reputable. If you have advertising that starts before your movie, the advertisement that is financed by a company is placed before your movie is set by you,–depending on your ad preference is a paid placement portal what advertisers purchase to run their advertisement. If users were watching your movie that is free without any paywalls. The money flows from the user, to the product that is featured on the ad, and the money flows towards you who self-hosted your ads. This is organic advertising for reputable creators. Overtime; you manage your expenses for your site, or your equipment.

Although; on the next day, you discovered a copyright notice that is fraudulent. You didn’t infringe on anybody’s copyright; you created your movie yourself. Most likely this claim is a fake!! These companies were trying to EXTORT money, and intellectual property from you. This new kind of extortion has been flooding our internet around the world.

Our corrupted copyright system around the world has been putting legitimate creators at risk, greedy corporations used malicious copyright-claiming services to defraud our public domain collections. The Walt Disney Company is the known corporation who’ve poached out our public domain content,–lobbying for malicious copyright extension terms. Other greedy companies has been involved in silencing fair-use for the past years. However; they’re too big to jail, to big to fail. Having lots of money to create new content everyday doesn’t enable viewers to view content, but only the viewers who were interested to see your movie, or show can view it. Never the less, having lots of money, and being a big company doesn’t make you immune from the copyright law,–especially if your company is notable, famous, iconic, attractive, etc. You have to get used to anyone who do fair-use of your content, such as the following:

  • Commentary
  • Criticism
  • Parody
  • News Reporting

Again… companies are NOT immuned to copyright laws. But no company is punished for copyfraud, if this is the case; let’s write a little story that is fictional,–so you can understand why you should NOT claim someone’s work under any circumstances:

Say if you were a corporation who writes lots of content, and publish it around the world. You have lots of creators who claimed they loved their viewers because, your company made premium movies. But your competitor who is an individual that is a reputable content publisher who schedules new content to be published during each season, or month,–or a year. She advertises her new work with reputable ad networks who care about their advertisers, and publishers. She has her first customer watching her open-source movie with open-source music,–supplied by reputable suppliers who care about creating open-source materials for the general public around the world.

Somehow; you’re were angry because, your work has been used without your permission, but the individual didn’t use your work at all. You filed a fraudulent copyright complaint that is misleading. This form of misrepresentation has been flooding courts around the USA, and other countries. However; the individual has reported your copyright claim as fraudulent, and she continues with her projects,–after she disputed the claim. You’ve repeated these fraudulent claims. However; that lead to the FBI, the IRS, or even both knocking at your company’s door. Your creators who were involved in extorting money from the individual were end up having their property confiscated forever. You’ve been questioned by the FBI because, you were involved in extorting money from the lady who is the reputable creator who is the leader of the movie-hosting site what she launched. But her free video-hosting account has been restored,–after a wrongful account termination caused by wrongful copyright claims that sound TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! You hogged lots of money in your company’s bank account, and you didn’t even retract your claim at all.

The FBI has discovered lots of discs containing music, and movies what you’ve fraudulently copyrighted as yours, and your creator’s work. You’re still being questioned,–while the victim gets help from the reputable law firms, lawyers, or other reputable sources. She allows the team to gather data to be used as evidence for her upcoming case. You’ve attempted to cover up your act, but your plans has been backfired.

The FBI agents arrest you, and direct you to their police truck for criminal copyfraud, conspiracy to commit copyfraud, extortion,wire fraud, bribery, IP fraud, conspiracy to commit IP fraud, trademark fraud, conspiracy to commit trademark fraud, money-laundering, and defrauding the public domain, forgery, forging copyright notices for the purpose of defrauding, and internet fraud. You were being hauled off to jail. That’s right!! Copyfraudsters belong in jail, not online.

The victim receives her money back, and the free video-hosting site is order to owe the victim $250,00 per fraudulently stolen work, plus $350,000 per recovered work. The copyfraudsters who were involved in this unlawful scheme should owe the victim hundreds of dollars per month. Some of these bad guys has their wages garnished, tax refunds intercepted, liens placed against their property, such as their business buildings, servers, their homes, their cars, and their content too. But these effects won’t take effect,–after a judgement in court.

These copyfraudsters were put on trial, and evidence is displayed. The judge does his task, but these unlawful trolls were angry because, they wanted their company back, you’re also on trial. You’ve explained what happened to the judge. But you didn’t know copyfraud is illegal. Fraud is fraud, Copyfraud is the another kind of fraud. You had lots of vague excuses. You were arguing with the judge, causing you to launch a fight with other trolls.

However, you’re restrained to the chair, and you were about to enter the verdict. You starting to shout, and yell with your words,–demanding the judge to implement a retrial, claiming an unfair trial, but your plan failed. You are guilty of copyfraud, internet fraud, money-laundering, wire fraud, conspiracy, extortion, bribery, purgery, and more. You’ve been sentenced to pay a fine up to $999,000,000,000 per charge; this charge is permanent … it can stay in your records for life., but that applies to copyfraud, conspiracy to commit copyfraud, trademark fraud, IP fraud,, and copyright-laundering. You will also face 9 years of community service, business license revocation for 10 years, pay restitution of 999,000,000,000 per copyfraud victim; and 22 years in federal prison, 4 years probation, 33 years of being banned from owning any copyright, trademark, trade-secret, patent, or any other intellectual property rights, limited copyright privileges for newly created work, lifetime forfiture of copyright ownership of materials old and recent (not set for newly created work,–based on any circumstances, and year created. Does NOT apply to newly created work after sentencing.); forfiture of trademark ownership, forfiture of patent ownership; forfiture of copy-protection services online and offline; and forfiture of TV channel ownership. You’about to feel sad. And the victim is about to win. You were been struck by 99 out of 99 guilty verdicts. This is pretty scary!

Your sentence is set,–after an initial sanctions has been placed against you. You have to spend years being banned from owning any intellectual property rights of your content. You’ve also have to spend time behind bars. Since you were susceptible to harsh fights,–started by inmates, you need to be settled at some prison.

You spent about a year in prison, but good behavior in prison can reduce a sentence,–depending on the judge’s decision in court. Well, you didn’t participate in any unlawful activity. You just sit in your cell, and go to work someplace. You were busy writing your journal. Your restricted copyright privileges has kept you from owning copyright to newly created content. But you can license it for reuse only, even commercially! Well that’s the only sentence you’ve have to prevent you from owning restricted copyright on your material. Some inmates has mentioned a story about a victim who won the case of copyfraud. You refused to go to the exercise yard.

However; you were released early… you lost all of your material what you’ve previously copyrighted, you have to reboot from scratch, and you can’t get your business back, but your website has been shut down. And you’re also prohibited from owning copyright for life. Well, that’s just a start of probation, any violation may result to permanent ban of owning copyright for life.

The lesson that you’ve learned from this story is never commit copyfraud. Share and reuse this help article if you agree if copyfraudsters belong in jail, not online.