
Why These Posts Are So Long?

This is how we write our content as a way to keep our readers entertained. However; we use this strategy to enable people to read longer content. Although; reading books is good for you, and unlike TV or films, writing text-based content is our way to provide content. Text is king for our website. The greater text on our posts, the better.


Can I Print To Read Content Offline?

If you were wanting to take a break from reading content on your screen, you can print our posts to read offline. This is useful if you want to do oldschool reading of our content.

As long as you abide to a Creative Commons License applied to our work, you may share a printed content what you printed from your printer.


Why Is My Feed What I’ve Subscribed To Has Moved?

That applies to Fairies Dreams & Fantasy(main site), Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Premium, and The Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Store. If you were currently subscribing to our feeds when reading our work, or if your feed reader discovers our feed doesn’t exist, most likely you have an outdated feed.