
Why Is My Feed What I’ve Subscribed To Has Moved?

That applies to Fairies Dreams & Fantasy(main site), Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Premium, and The Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Store. If you were currently subscribing to our feeds when reading our work, or if your feed reader discovers our feed doesn’t exist, most likely you have an outdated feed.

To Resolve This Issue

Follow these steps to resolve this issue.

Visit Website

Visit any of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy websites (including subdomains), you need to visit our website by using the internet in order to get our updated feed.

Visit A Category

Visit any category of our website, and note our URL of our category. Subcategories may be present for further sorting. We use subcategories to further diversify our works what we write.

Add a slash, follow by feed, and cut the URL field with all of a selected text. Don’t just copy a URL to your clipboard; save to your text file,–if you have a text-editing program available.

Update Your Feed Reader

Depending on your feed reader, replace an obsolete feed with a new one by replacing your feed URL with a new one.

Test To verify if content appears. If it does, you are back to reading. Be aware, you may be required to visit our site to read entire content.

If you have more than one feed, repeat a cycle.

Why Do Our Feeds Stop Working

Old feeds what you were used to reading evolve overtime, as an apology… Fairies Dreams & Fantasy is built to be read like a book online, and we are trying our best to revise our stories as a way to fix errors. Also, when posts are updated, content is replaced when needs arise.

Categories can be re-titled as a way to pick a suitable title for our group of posts on our websites. We update titles as a way to make our stories on our posts easy to find.

Outdated feeds can break, and customers can be upset when content disappears. Having content available for our customers mean more audience.

For Mermaids Oceans & Fantasy

Like Fairies Dreams & Fantasy, categories for organizing series may be renamed. However; ALL Mermaids Oceans & Fantasy content are categorized to help keep content organized.

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