Policies Against Terrorism

To all visitors/users of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy,
In order for Fairies Dreams & Fantasy to be free of terrorism… we encourage you to report problems with this entire site. Whether if you see any terrorist-related content posted on any of our multisite subsites. Fairies Dreams & Fantasy will never glorify, condone, support, nor get involved with any acts of terrorism under any circumstances! If you see anything out of an ordinary; report it immediately. Be sure to contact us,–so we can remove terrorism-related content from this entire site.


Please read these important policies that will keep terrorism out of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy.

Providing Content/Material To Foreign Terror Groups

It’s illegal to provide content/material, or even services to terrorists listed on the US or international lists of designated terror groups. These terrorists cause mass harm to our culture, and our communities around the world. Any individual who is providing material to terror groups are reported to authorities

Recently; there were many people who converted to Islam has attempted to provide material, or support to these terrorists. This can be a problem for our global society. For example; one Muslim man is sent to prison for providing material to a terrorist group in question. He is spending years behind bars,–along with a lifetime supervised release after his sentence. However; his internet privileges has been limited, and his devices were monitored via a court order. He also going to have his email accountes monitored,–especially his domain-based email with a domain what he own.

Why this is a problem?

If you provide material to support any terrorist group around the world; you’re NOT just putting your country at risk of being targeted by terrorists… you are also putting women and children in danger of being trafficked to slavery, and other dangerous factors. Many terrorists are hidden in dark internet world. These enemies were so dangerous; we take them out. Providing material to terrorists is kind of like aiding an enemy! And you can go to prison for a long time. Once you’re in prison; you will lose your home; your family, your rights, and your freedom. And in some cases… you will lose your internet privileges. If you lose your internet privileges… you will lose your domain; your hosting account, your blog, your ebooks, your music, your copyrights, your trademarks, your trade-secrets, your patents, your content, your videos, your friends, your jobs, your banking accounts, and your fame. If that happens to you… you will be out of the online world forever!


Islamic societies are nitorious to join Islamic terrorism! If you’re a person who is linked to terrorism, you are most likely to be end up in prison, along with serious fines that can drain your wallet.

In some cases, you will be ending up being monitored by law enforcing agency. Some people has been subjected to supervision online, and offline via a court order.