Parental Conduct Policies

The following policies govern parental conduct on Fairies Dreams & Fantasy’s platforms. Please read these policies thoroughly before you use any of our platforms.


For Fairies Dreams & Fantasy

When viewing Fairies Dreams & Fantasy content found on our home website, please leave positive feedback on our website when you report an issue,–regarding content displayed on our website. Never use profane language on our comments area of our websites. All comments with profane languages are either edited or deleted, any repeat comment with profanity is subject to be reported as “spam”.

For Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Premium

Parents who run accounts for children should not be involved in any of these activities:

Deprivation Of User Account

Not doing homework, tasks, or any other reasons are NOT acceptable on this platform. Although; this is a platform where parental greed is prohibited. Failing to pay for paid memberships on Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Premium for the purpose of teaching a child a lesson is against our policy. If your child is reading content on your website, Never do the following to your child:

  • Take, seize, or snatch his/her device – its illegal to take any of your child’s items. This is considered a violation of our policies. If you are a parent who condone this rule, this rule must NOT be enforced under any circumstances.
  • Post content that condones spanking – this content is a violation of parental conduct, not just your content will be removed, you will also lose your account, and your content will be reported to law enforcement. You’ll be liable for child cruelty, and other criminal offenses.
  • Post profanity – your content will be removed from your website, and you will receive a warning via email, and your hosting feature will be suspended for a time between 22:00 to 5:00 military time each week, or suspension from 8:00 to 20:00 military time each day.

Other policies posted on this page will be coming soon!