
Welcome to our ad center! This is the place where you can get help with advertising on Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Directly. You can get help articles, along with troubleshooting, tutorials, and tips.

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There Are Many Ways To Advertise On Our Website

Submitting Your Ad To Our Listings

This is one simple way to advertise on Fairies Dreams & Fantasy. Whether if you are promoting a product or service,–or a cause that needs your community’s attention. Ideal for sponsored movies, sponsored videos, and more.

Advertising Via Ad Slots

This is a popular way to advertise on most websites. These common ad slots are used for both banners, and image-based ads. Video ads can be used too, but some advertisers has been allowing their video ads to play without user intervention. Manually playing a video ad by an interested user is usually a non-intrusive way to advertise on websites owned by many users who rely on CMS software.

Issues with common ad networks

Since Fairies Dreams & Fantasy doesn’t dictate which ads are accepted… we don’t rely on certain ad networks because, some of their policies are vague. If you were moving from an ad network where you pay for your ad placements to our website to advertise your products, services, articles, or anything; you have more freedom of advertising on our site directly. We do support Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, software freedom, activism, and more. We’ll never support Islamic terrorism.

If you still rely on ad networks, you can still advertise directly on our website. Try to be non-intrusive as possible.

What’s An Advertisement

An advertisement is a promotional content that features an image of a product that is being sold, a promotional message that advertises a product or service, or a media-based promotional content that promotes products/services of any kind with visual/audible content. Everywhere you go… you see common ads on most of the following items/vehicles… such as shopping carts, trains, taxi cars and vans, buses, and more. An advertiser doesn’t come from nowhere! Advertisers write advertisements, and post them at any place where ads are accepted with a paid plan. Digital ads are known ads what you encounter on the internet. Publishers often use advertising banners to fund their website,–keeping it free for many users, and visitors who wanted to use their site/services. However; some people has been blocking ads to prevent their computers being tracked by advertisers who use deceptive ways to track you. And some publishers has found ways to get money for their sites with a deceptive way…

Cause without ads, we’re NOT going to have free services on a website, and we’re NOT going to check out some new products and services.

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